Spay and Neuter Services in Keokuk, IA

The spay and neuter procedure is the most common type of surgery veterinarians perform on pets and it’s one of the best things you can do for the health and wellbeing of your cat or dog. It’s safe, painless, and affordable. The Keokuk Veterinary Hospital is fully equipped and highly experienced in performing spay and neuter procedures.

Why Spay Or Neuter Your Pet?

There are many positive health benefits for your pet from having them spayed or neutered, and you’ll both be happier and more content. But another good reason to have the procedure done is to help alleviate the pet overpopulation problem in the U.S. Each year millions of dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters because they’ve been abandoned. There simply isn’t enough room to house them or homes to adopt them. Having your pet spayed or neutered helps to alleviate this tragic situation.

Spay and Neuter in Keokuk, IA

The Benefits Of Spay Or Neuter For Your Pet

In general, veterinarians recommend that cats be spayed or neutered at around eight weeks of age, and dogs at six months. Spaying is the removal of the female’s reproductive organs, and neutering is the removal of the male’s testicles. Spay and neuter benefit males and females in different ways:

  • Males – Removes any risk of testicular cancer and greatly reduces the risk of prostate disorders. Reduces aggressive behavior and the urge to roam outdoors, and they are less likely to mark their territory by urinating on carpets and furniture.
  • Females – They no longer go into heat or menstruate, and have less risk of reproductive organ and breast cancers. It will also stop the howling and crying behavior common to the heat cycle.

The Procedure

Your vet will advise you not to let your pet have anything to eat after about 10 PM on the night before the procedure. It’s ok for them to drink water. During the surgery, your pet will be sedated and fitted with a catheter. Afterward, they’ll spend a couple of hours under observation and then you can take them home. They should avoid strenuous exercise for a couple of weeks after the surgery, and they might have to wear a special collar to keep them from biting and scratching at their sutures.

When you’re ready for spay or neuter services for your pet, contact the Keokuk Veterinary Hospital by calling 319-524-4348 or reach out to us online anytime to schedule an appointment.

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Keokuk, IA Spay and Neuter